You’ve probably heard the phrase, “think big, act small”. When it comes to our environmental impact there are lots of things we can do that, if we all tried to do, could make a big difference. These are just a few of them. […]
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A Make-Your-Own Deodorant Recipe
Whether you’re trying to avoid harsh chemicals, or whether you just want to make more of your own beauty products, this recipe for deodorant could be a good one to try. It doesn’t involve many ingredients, is relatively cheap, and it lasts for ages! […]

Stay Calm and Go Bathe in the Forest
Spa days are a great remedy for when we’ve become too stressed with the rigours of modern life. Thing is, they’re rather pricey. Perhaps this cheaper alternative may be of interest then? […]

Reasons to Love Wide-Leg Jeans
Wide leg jeans are very much back on the catwalks for this Autumn/Winter season, and as much as we love our skinny jeans, there are lots of reasons why the rebirth of the wide leg jean is a cause for celebration. […]

Ways You Can Practise Self Care
Today’s world, despite what we’d like it to be, is a hectic and stressful place. […]