Even with years of experience, there are still new tricks to be tried with your makeup. Some may sound obvious, but it’s amazing how few people know about these simple makeup tips. Foundation – Start in the middle and work out The dreaded tideline between bare neck and your face with makeup on it is […]
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Top Tips for Your Career (And Life In General)
Whatever stage in your career you’re at; whether you’re just working part-time in a café to help you through uni, or a good few years into your carefully planned-out career path, we can all use a few tips to help us reach our full potential. […]

What Does The Modern Worker Want? Flexi-Time and Hangover Days?
The world of work as it is today looks very different from the one which our parents and grandparents first knew. Gone are the days of “a job for life” and everyone sticking to a daily 9-5 pattern of work hours. Now many of us change jobs every few years, and many more of us […]

The Best Languages To Learn In Today’s World
Even with Google Translate, there’s still a huge benefit to being a bilingual or multi-lingual speaker. Not only does it help hugely if you’re able to speak even just a few words of the local language while you’re travelling in foreign countries (showing that you’re at least trying to speak the language will get you […]

A New Approach To New Year’s Resolutions
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