Festivals give attendees carte blanche to dress as outlandishly as they like. The general festival rule is: more extravagant and random, the better. […]
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What Does ‘The Youth’ Really Care About?
No, it’s not how many followers we have on Twitter, and no, it’s not whether our eyebrows are looking their best. Young people, despite what some media outlets would have you believe, really do care about the big issues. […]

Get Productive! A Short How-To
You’ve been working your way through your to-do list for what feels like hours, and for some reason you just can’t seem to make a dent in it. Why not? Why has productivity forsaken you? Well, never mind why it went, here’s how to bring the productivity back! […]

Will Printed Makeup Be A Thing Soon?
Technology can do a huge number of things now, but one thing which we didn’t imagine it doing was creating “printed” makeup. That’s just what one company has done though. […]

On Being The Friend Who Always Makes The First Move
Feel like you’re that friend who always makes the plans? Or always sends the first chat message? Are you that friend who broaches ideas and makes the plans to meet? This role certainly comes with pros and cons! […]