Podcasts have become incredibly popular and incredibly diverse. There are podcasts on almost every topic you could imagine (and some which we had no idea could even be a topic)! It does mean that choosing which ones to listen to is a tough decision. These are a few of top suggestions for anyone about to […]
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Does Your City Have a Library of Things?
You don’t often need the likes of a power sander, or a gazebo, or an extendable ladder, but when you do need one, nothing else will really do. Now, given that these are pretty costly items for using maybe once or twice a year, you might not want to buy one outright. Besides, if you […]

Go Green with Eco-Glitter
When summer comes, festivals and glitter go together like strawberries and cream – you could have one without the other, but would you really want to? Well, possibly if you are a keen eco-warrior who wants to lessen their impact on the environment in any way possible. […]

The Best Time to Apply Beauty Products
Having a great skin routine isn’t all about what beauty products you use (though that’s important too), but it’s also about when you use them. Some products work better when applied at different stages during your day. […]

A Podcast to Send You to Sleep
Life is hectic and fast paced so it’s hardly surprising that it can be tough to switch off and drop off when bedtime comes around. If you’re one of the many people who struggle to get to sleep then this podcast from Simba Sleep may be of interest. […]