So we’re obviously not going to do all the things that scientists, business moguls, and lifestyle gurus tell us we need to be doing each morning. For one thing, once you’ve added them all together, there simply isn’t the time to get them all done. However, there are still some really simple things which most […]
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Thrive As An Adult – Revisit Your Inner Child
For our own good mental health, we need to kick back and spend some time being joyful and free. And you know who’s joyful and free? Children? While adults laugh, according to one scientific study, an average of only seventeen times each day, children laugh far more often than this. […]

The Handbag Must-Haves That Get Forgotten
You don’t want to make your bag too heavy by carrying everything but the kitchen sink with you; just on the off-chance that you might need it. However, there are definitely some items that should be in everyone’s handbag. […]

How to Reduce the Appearance of Crow’s Feet
Looking after our skin is complex. To make sure that our skin looks its best we should eat right, get enough sleep, make sure that we have a skincare routine, don’t drink too much, don’t spend too much time in the sun…the list goes on. […]

Questions to Help You Look at the Big Picture
With such a hectic pace of life, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, and lose sight of how our life is as a whole. It’s something we should all be doing though – reviewing where we are at the moment and if it’s helping us to get to where we […]