Sometimes we come across books that make us stop in our tracks because the message they have for readers is so powerful. […]
The Best Languages To Learn In Today’s World
Even with Google Translate, there’s still a huge benefit to being a bilingual or multi-lingual speaker. Not only does it help hugely if you’re able to speak even just a few words of the local language while you’re travelling in foreign countries (showing that you’re at least trying to speak the language will get you […]
A New Approach To New Year’s Resolutions
“This year I will stop…” “This year I will ……. every week.” “This year I’m going to give up …” Sound familiar? Usual New Year’s resolutions come in the form of “I will” or “I won’t”. They’re very binary and either you succeed with them or you fail – there is no middle ground. This […]
What Not To Do With A New Love
The start of a new relationship can be exciting and magical and leave you with butterflies. A simple “Good morning” text from your new love can bring a soppy smile to your face for the rest of the day, and just the memory of your last date can help make even the most tedious of […]
Don’t Get Envious, Get Inspired
It’s a difficult thing to do – to not get jealous when we see someone do amazingly at something we want to be good at. Thoughts like “they’re better than me” and “why can’t I be that successful” pop into our heads almost without our knowing it. […]