We know that the throw-away fashion industry is incredibly bad for the environment. In fact, just one pair of jeans and a shirt can take up to 20,000 litres of water to produce! That’s a lot of impact, and that’s even before the carbon levels needed to make and transport the clothes are taken into […]

Why You Shouldn’t Apologise for Saying Sorry
The average person in the UK apologises eight times a day. Surely there can’t be that many things which we do wrong each day. It seems there probably aren’t. In fact, a study commissioned by the chocolate biscuit bar PiCKUP! found that 88% of Brits admit to regularly apologising for things which aren’t their fault. […]

Eco-Friendly Ideas for Moving House
Moving house soon? Off to university and yet to do your packing? Then these environmentally friendly packing tips could help. Source your boxes wisely Not that many of us have lots of large empty cardboard boxes lying around, but they’re a must when you’re moving house. You could buy new ones, in which case trying […]

Getting Married Before The Wedding – A Rising Trend
Marriage isn’t for everyone. At one time it used to be the case that you’d be shunned by polite society if you lived together before marriage, but now that’s no longer the way it is, some people are choosing not to get married. […]

Don’t Ghost – Send This Text Template Instead
If you’ve been on a couple of dates with someone, only to discover that they’re not really the one for you, knowing how to tell them can be troublesome. However, you should definitely tell them. Ghosting is a rising trend, but a horrible one. If you’ve ever had someone you’ve dated or been close with […]