Regardless of what course it is you’re taking, there are some skills which are universally needed to get you through your time at university. If you can develop these skills then, whether or not you’ve remembered to buy the right course books and done all of the extra-reading, you should be well on the way […]

Body Language Hacks to Help You Get Ahead at Work
It’s an often cited misnomer that over 90% of communication is done nonverbally. I.e. it’s not what we say that really matters, but how we say it, and what kind of body language we have. […]

How to Argue – Fairly
Conflict in itself isn’t a bad thing. When people disagree that’s when new ideas can be conceived, and deeper understanding reached. Of course not all conflict is good. But even arguments over whose turn it is to do the washing up can be debated in a good way. The key is to argue fairly, and […]

A Quick Guide to Good Conversation
You can hear without listening, but you can also talk without communicating. Just because words are being spoken doesn’t mean they’re being understood. Whether you’re a gold-star conversationalist, or an outspoken chatterbox, these tips on how to improve communication could help in all areas of your life; all the way from family discussions to high-level […]

Friendship: What To Do When Your Friend Becomes a Mum
When one of your friends has a baby, it’s a fact of life that the dynamic between you is going to change a bit. Going out clubbing on the weekends for example will probably not be viable for a lot of mothers, at least not while the child is very young, if for no other […]