Category: General news

Is It Wrong to Re-Gift?

We’ve all been there. We’ve been given a gift that we know as soon as we open it, is something we’ll never use. So, once we have thanked the person who gave it to us (because even if it’s not something we really want, it’s still a gift and it still deserves a response of […]


The Best Languages To Learn In Today’s World

The Best Languages To Learn In Today’s World

Even with Google Translate, there’s still a huge benefit to being a bilingual or multi-lingual speaker. Not only does it help hugely if you’re able to speak even just a few words of the local language while you’re travelling in foreign countries (showing that you’re at least trying to speak the language will get you […]


A New Approach To New Year’s Resolutions

A New Approach To New Year’s Resolutions

“This year I will stop…” “This year I will ……. every week.” “This year I’m going to give up …” Sound familiar? Usual New Year’s resolutions come in the form of “I will” or “I won’t”. They’re very binary and either you succeed with them or you fail – there is no middle ground. This […]


Top Winter Warmer Drinks To Try

Top Winter Warmer Drinks To Try

As the days get shorter and, more to the point, colder, it’s time to put away the chilled summer fruit smoothies and turn instead to the delicious winter warmer drinks that make wrapping up in big blanket in front of the TV that much more cosy and luxurious. […]