If you’ve ever used a tampon, you’ve probably read about Toxic Shock Syndrome (or TSS) on the paper insert that comes with your tampon pack, but leaving a tampon in for too long isn’t the only potential cause of TSS. […]

Why Eating in the Dark is so Good
It’s not something you’ll find offered in many places, but there are some specialised restaurants which offer diners the experience of eating in total darkness, and there are a lot of very good reasons to try it! […]

How to Get Rid of a Dry Scalp
A dry and flaky scalp isn’t just embarrassing when it starts dropping those little white flakes of dead skin all over the shoulders of your black top, but a dry scalp can also be really itchy and uncomfortable. So what can you do about it? […]

Would You Try Swimming in Freezing Cold Water? It’s Good for You…
Some fitness trends are more popular than others. Going to a Zumba class with a load of mates and having a good dance around is probably always going to be more popular than an SAS boot camp. Well, what about winter wild swimming? It’s cold, it’s not for the faint-hearted, but it is growing in […]

Why You Should Practise Gratitude Every Day, and How To Do It
Gratitude. Noun. – The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for, and to return kindness. […]