We know that the throw-away fashion industry is incredibly bad for the environment. In fact, just one pair of jeans and a shirt can take up to 20,000 litres of water to produce! That’s a lot of impact, and that’s even before the carbon levels needed to make and transport the clothes are taken into […]

How To Be Fashion-Savvy, And Still Environmentally Friendly
It’s not like it was in our parent’s day. Of the many things that have changed, our shopping habits are one of the most notable changes. Shoppers in Britain today buy an incredible five times as many clothes as shoppers in the 1980s did. […]

Lost Keys? There’s An App for That (But Should You Use It?)
There’s an app for everything, and one of the most highly recommended “lost keys” apps comes in the form of a gadget called ‘Tile’ which you can link to an account and your phone, thread the tracker onto your keys and use your phone to find them when they go missing. You can also use […]

The Handbag Must-Haves That Get Forgotten
You don’t want to make your bag too heavy by carrying everything but the kitchen sink with you; just on the off-chance that you might need it. However, there are definitely some items that should be in everyone’s handbag. […]

Go Green with Eco-Glitter
When summer comes, festivals and glitter go together like strawberries and cream – you could have one without the other, but would you really want to? Well, possibly if you are a keen eco-warrior who wants to lessen their impact on the environment in any way possible. […]