SURE Study
- Using real world evidence methodology there is contemporary evidence that SAHC heals nappy rash rapidly
- Evidence of anti-inflammatory action
- Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream was judged effective in treating nappy rash by >98% of respondents1
Nappy rash had completely healed within 2 days of starting treatment
Saw an improvement to nappy rash on the same day treatment was started
1 Based on the number of inefficacy reports out of all responses. These reports might include cases where the rash was fungal or infected, neither of which SAHC is licensed to treat.
SURE Study
A retrospective, non-interventional observer outcome study
- Conducted using social media to investigate users' experience of SAHC when treating an episode of infantile nappy rash
2159 respondents were recruited into the study in 9 days
- Via Sudocrem social media platforms and Bounty parenting club (50:50 response from each group)
- 1818 represented those who had used the product within the previous 6 months, and they were the focus of analysis

over 2000
Key stats
Dramatic reduction in four signs of
inflammation in 24 hours
The 5th recognised sign of inflammation - loss of function - could not be measured in this study

Speed of action
Key stats
Improved at next nappy change
Improved same day
Healed same
Healed in 2
Four characteristics evaluated1,2,3

Four characteristics evaluated1

1 Based on 1816 responses representing those who had used SAHC in the previous 6 months
2 Discomfort was used as a surrogate word for ‘pain’
3 “Before” indicates before applying SAHC and 'The day after' indicates the day after the first application of SAHC
Sudocrem Real
World Evidence

The results of this real-world study show that SAHC is associated with rapid skin healing and a reduction in perceived signs of inflammation1
- Ingredients recognised for their healing properties
- Emollient soothes sore or inflamed skin
- A mild local anaesthetic helps to ease pain and irritation
1 SURE Sudocrem Real World Evidence Study February 2015. Poster presentation at CPHVA conference November 2015.