Toddler Beds: Guide To Finding The Right One For Your Child

Toddler beds are a great middle ground for children that are too big and agile for a cot or crib, but are just a bit too little for a single bed. There is a lot of choice available on the market, and it can seem a little overwhelming to make the right decision. Here’s some information to help you find the right toddler bed for your little one.


toddler beds


When To Start Looking For A Toddler Bed?


There is some general advice for when your little one should move into a toddler bed. Some experts recommend waiting until your child is three or over. Children under three may not have the self-control to stay in a toddler bed. However, if your little one is trying, or can climb out of the cot, then you need to move them to a toddler bed even if they are under three.


What To Think About When Choosing A Toddler Bed


There are several things you need to think about when choosing toddler beds.




The first thing you need to think about when looking for toddler beds is safety. Look for a toddler bed with guard rails that will help prevent your little one from falling out of bed. Toddlers are active sleepers and are likely to move around a lot during the night. Rails can help keep your sleeping child in the bed.


Another tip is to look for toddler beds with slatted rails, rather than a solid rail. A solid rail may make your little one feel a bit claustrophobic, whereas a slatted rail is similar to the rails in a cot.


You should also look for a bed that is low to the ground, so that if they do fall out of bed, it’s not a long fall.


Lastly, you should look for toddler beds with rounded edges, and avoid sharp edges. You should also look for one with a snug fitting mattress.




Some toddler sleep experts recommend choosing a toddler bed that looks similar to your little one’s cot. The familiarity may be able to help settle them to sleep. However, if there is a style that your little one is particularly keen on, then go with that. Being involved in the choice and feeling that they can express themselves with their own bedroom furniture is very helpful.


Transitioning To Toddler Beds


Moving from a cot or crib to a toddler bed may not be plain sailing, even if your little one was initially very positive about the idea. Some toddlers can become quite upset when trying to sleep in a toddler bed. It may be that the more open bed means that they’ve lost the sense of security that a cot gives, and this can result in them crying, or wanting you to stay with them in the room, or even in the bed.


This is one of the reasons why it’s a good idea to make sure that the rest of their lives are stable before beginning the transition. Major changes, such as a house move, a new baby sibling, starting or changing schools, can create insecurity in themselves, and then adding the change to a new toddler bed can become too much for them to deal with.


If there is stability and your little one is ready to move into a bigger bed, there are still some things that you can do to help make the transition easier. Make sure that you already have a consistent bedtime routine in place while your little one is still in the cot, and keep it in place as they move into the toddler bed. It can help if your child is able to fall asleep and stay asleep alone, even in the cot. There may be some regression as your child gets used to the toddler bed, but being able to sleep independently is an important skill and will make the transition easier.