Cycling is a great way to increase your fitness, but it’s also a fun activity for your whole family! Although, your children might find it much more encouraging if you can track your cycling success. Here’s a few tips and recommendations that will keep your little ones pedalling. Cycle More 90km Challenge The […]

Tips for cycling with babies and toddlers
Cycling with your little one is a great activity for both of you. But you do need to be prepared that cycling with babies and toddlers definitely won’t be the same as cycling alone. For one thing, it needs a little more preparation, planning, and you’ll probably need a few more stops along the way. […]

Easy recipes to get little ones involved with cooking
Cooking can be fun, and little ones love to get involved and help out in the kitchen. It can also be a great way to get fussy eaters a little more interested in their food. These easy recipes are fantastic for getting your little chef busy in the kitchen! Tomato Spaghetti This tomato […]

Tips for keeping your children safe online
Children of all ages have been spending more time online than ever before. With lockdown schooling, online has been how they learn and how they communicate with their friends almost exclusively. As parents, we’ve all been a little concerned about how this might affect their mental health, and if they’re staying safe and taking appropriate […]

Springtime gardening fun for little ones
Springtime is perfect for gardening, and gardening is a great activity for little ones to get involved with! Lots of children really enjoy gardening, mostly because they can get their hands dirty! But it’s also a great opportunity for them to learn. Try out some of our tips for some Springtime gardening fun with your […]