Half-term is nearly here, and you might be looking for activities for your whole family to enjoy together. We have some ideas of fun, autumnal things you can do with your little ones to celebrate the school break. 1. Go To An Apple Orchard A few different orchards will be running apple […]

The Ultimate Guide To Dyslexia For Parents
Dyslexia Awareness Week is from the 2nd October to 8th October. It’s a celebration of people of all backgrounds who have dyslexia. This week is all about the individual journey that each person has, and how it shapes the person to become uniquely themselves. It’s a time to appreciate them. As a parent, dyslexia might […]

World Teachers’ Day: How To Celebrate A Special Teacher In Your Child’s Life
Thursday 5th of October is World Teachers’ Day. Teachers have such a profound effect on our lives, and if you think back, you probably remember at least one teacher that stands out for you in a positive way. Your children have that experience with their teachers as well. World Teachers’ Day is your opportunity to […]

The Ultimate Guide To Preparing Your Child For Nursery
Transitioning into nursery is a big step for your little one. Your little one may be feeling excited, nervous, anxious, or a combination of many different emotions. It’s a big change for you as well, but there are some things you can do to help make the transition easier. Play Pretend Playing […]

What To Expect When Your Child Is Starting High School
There are several large milestones in your child’s life, and starting high school is one of them. It’s a big change, and you may notice some differences in the first few weeks of school. If you know what to expect, it can help you to support them, and help make their transition easier. […]